Thursday, September 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Bowen

Presents, a watch, video game, and skateboard, Trafalga with 12 rowdy boys, pizza, root beer, bagel sandwiches, Nike basektball shorts, donuts for the football team, ice cream and Courtney, cell phone calls from Caitlin, kisses from Hannah and mom, hugs from dad, presents, cards, money, cupcakes, candles, fun, laser tag, footballs, baseball hats, candy, presents, and LOVE.

This is how Bowen celebrated his 10th birthday! September 7th, the best day ever!

Bowen turned 10! It was the double digit birthday. Forever more he will always have two numbers associated with his age, that is how grown up he is! Mom cannot believe it! I love you, Bowen Eric Thomas!

21 Years Later.....

Happy 21st Birthday Courtney!

Courtney Michelle Thomas has grown up. She is beautiful, smart, fun, goofy, a free spirit, loving, loyal, friendly, hard working, steadfast, spirited, resilient, the life of the party and always wears an amazing smile on her face! I LOVE YOU! You have grown up to be an amazing young woman.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Called to Serve

The mission call arrived several weeks ago.......(drumroll)

Sister Courtney Michelle Thomas has been called to serve in the Chicago, Illinois, Spanish speaking mission! She enters the MTC (Missionary Training Center) on September 21, 2011. Sister Thomas will be an outstanding missionary!

Look out Illinois, here comes Courtney!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Ready or not.....

Whew...the mission papers have been officially submitted to Church headquarters. The papers took longer than expected and there were a few technical difficulties as well, the completed forms sat in the computer system for an extra unexpected week or two. But finally all has been troubleshooted and the papers have been sent! Courtney will be an extraordinary missionary and her smile will touch many lives and melt many hearts! She was told by her ecclesiastical leader, her bishop, that some of the disappointments and heartaches in her life have been missionary preparation and will only do her good as she spreads the gospel. Ready or she comes!

Courtney looking all "SISTER" like!

Okay...the guessing game is on! Post a guess or two as to where you think Courtney will be called to serve! South America or Spain is where I think she will be sent!

Friday, June 24, 2011

She did it....

She did it! Caitlin made the drill team at Snow College! CONGRATULATIONS dancing queen!

Look out "Badgerettes" here she comes!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Senior Prom - BEST EVER

Prom 2011 was the best prom ever for Caitlin. She picked out the prettiest ever dress and according to Caitlin, she had the best ever date! Some of Caitlin's best friends were in her prom group and they all had the best time. That's the way you want your senior prom to be, THE BEST!

Even Bowen enjoyed prom this year...he took advantage of the opportunity to make a little extra cash by shining shoes!

Paintball mania for the day date!

Good times at the "Day Date"!

My prom beauty!

She did it...and with only a little help from mom!

Caitlin & Tanner


Tea party or prom? Caitlin, Brooklyn and Ali are enjoying the "prom photo shoot."

The Prom Group!

Dinner was delicious!

Rocking it at prom!

The view of Salt Lake valley was as gorgeous as the rear view of the prom dresses!

Best night ever!

Caitlin was absolutely gorgeous in her "plum" colored dress. She is growing up so quickly and has turned into such a beautiful young lady, inside and out! I love Caitlin and am so happy that her senior prom was the BEST EVER!

Class of 2011

Family & friends helped to celebrate...

Seminary Graduation! I'm so proud! Caitlin sang beautifully at the graduation! She sang a duet version of "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" with Jacquel Cunico. The musical number was perfection and really spread the sweet feelings of the Spirit to all those in attendance.

Caitlin's graduation day! Congratulations! LHS Class of 2011 ROCKS!

Whew...the diploma feels good and the cap does not!

Graduation Beauty!

Pooped from the day's events!

Good times at the all night "Grad Party!"

Caitlin graduated with honors and among the top academic students of her class! It was a great day to graduate and now there is so much to look forward to!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

22 SWEET years!

These are a few of my most favorite SWEETS:

Thank you for 22 SWEET years!

Things that make Eric sweet:
Resourceful, humble, good daddy, quirky sense-of-humor, flexibility, sensitivity, good listener (at least you try to be when there is no football or basketball on TV), good conversationalist, factual knowledge, commitment, loyalty, your thirst for righteousness! You are my best friend!

Shiny Pink Birthdays & Daughters

The Birthday Celebration

Turning 18 apparently means an entire month of celebration. Caitlin's friends threw her a surprise birthday bash earlier this month. She shared a birthday song at home with her father and enjoyed her very own birthday cheesecake, at her request. Her uncles and father dropped by her school to surprise her with flowers and of course, PINK cupcakes the day before her actual birthday. She was kidnapped for a breakfast feast by more friends at 5:30 AM the morning of her birthday. She opened many presents from family and friends. Her car was decorated, flowers delivered to our home, and a dinner with her family that night! I guess it was a great day, week, or month to turn 18!

Happy Birthday to my Shinky Pink Caitlin! I cannot believe that you are 18 years old. You are my own little bundle of shiny, pink joy and a blessing in my life. When you were but two years old, I asked you what you wanted to be for Halloween, your response was, "shiny, pink!" That is still you today, 18 and shining your pink joy for everyone to see! I love you!

What a beautiful dancer, daughter, and young woman you have become!

Full of talent, dreams, enthusiasm and beauty!

My shiny, pink, bundle of joy!

You have the heart of a dancer, full of passion and love. You are disciplined, strong, creative, motivated, reliable, detail oriented and always strive for perfection and improvement. You have a permanent smile and share your passion with those who watch you perform, all the qualities of a good dancer and daughter!