Tuesday, July 28, 2009


My babies.....love the 4-wheeler (yes, it's true, Hannah is too scared to drive the 4-wheeler, but not Bowen)!

Bowen is ready for some action (I really feel that this was a great photography moment for me, nice picture)!

Hannah & Caitlin are really "roughing it!"

Courtney enjoying the great outdoors (ooooh, that's my grandma's old couch)!

Beautiful Birdseye & Beautiful Children!

Bowen enjoying a moment of "sisterly love!"

The long 24th of July weekend was spent in Birdseye, the former home of my grandfather's cattle ranch. The cabin was nice and the kids all had a great time. Eric and Bowen were successful at fishing and the 4-wheeler added to the fun. Being in Birdseye for the weekend flooded my mind with memories of my grandpa Huck and I felt his presence as I walked the ground he loved. I was all warm and fuzzy and it was a very peaceful few days for me.

Eric enjoyed himself so much that he shared the fun with his family. His brother's family and his sister's family joined us. We most definitely have to make Birdseye a priority and spend more time at the cabin.

Monday, July 20, 2009

I Love the Weekend

The weekend was great! I love weekends that are full of kid spending time, family togetherness, low amounts of stress, and homemade apple pie! Hello Monday...looking forward to the up and coming 3 Day Weekend!

Yes...it's true, I will admit that I loved, loved, loved it! Although, I really want to view the ending of all of this Harry Potter stuff...hurry up and end, this movie held me spellbound. I was in my kidadulthood while watching this movie. It was funny, suspenseful and entertaining and definitely sets us up for the showdown scheduled for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Have a nice Monday!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Brand New Banana!



The braces came off this week...she is a brand new Hannah and sporting quite a beautiful smile, I might add!


July 4th Balloon Festival

Caitlin is beautifully pondering...even at 6:30 AM!

The kids and the balloons...what a great way to start the day!

So many to watch...it was exciting!

Crowd, Kids, and fun, Bowen REALLY did have fun!

Our most favorite one and WOW....Eric needs a new hat!

The balloon festival was a great and early way to begin the fourth of July festivities. The weekend was fun and filled with family, food, balloons, fireworks, sparklers, watermelon, and friends! Hannah even had a bonus of getting to swoon over the Jonas Brothers at the Stadium of Fire with Grandma. Grandma Colleen took Hannah, Zoey, Piercee, and Jocelyn to the Stadium of Fire. It turned out to be quite an eventful night (she parked in private parking and got MY car towed), but the girls had a blast!

I love the 4th of July, it is a great opportunity to remember the sacrifices that have been made, the lives that have been lost, the courage of our ancestors, all for the cause of the freedom we enjoy. What a blessed land we call home! Independence Day is also a time to build relationships, laugh with family and friends, and love each other!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

June...in Photos

Whew...June was a busy month! Caitlin, Hannah, Eric and I survived girl's camp. Our stake was able to enjoy a week of camp at the Heber Valley Girl's Camp. This property is owned and has been developed by the LDS church. Over 8,000 acres of pure beauty, in the mountains southeast of Heber, Utah. There is a picturesque lake that includes paddle boats and canoes. There are sand volleyball pits, hiking trails, CABINS, bathrooms with hot water and showers. There are covered pavilions, refrigerators, stoves and sinks for washing dishes. We slept in bunk beds and had a bit of heat to keep us warm at night, we even packed a microwave for popping corn! This is the way I like to do girl's camp, full of amenities. The challenge course was challenging but many girls were successful and felt confident after conquering their fears. We built relationships, character, testimonies, friendships, and self esteem together. I think it was a great year at camp.

After camp there were barbecues, family parties, Lehi Round Up Days, parades, drill team camp, cheer practice, baseball, work, boyfriends, movies and fun to keep us busy. Eric's garden has begun to show signs of life, the rain stopped for a minute so the lawn had to be mowed. Oh, the joy of yardwork, it gives Eric peace. We are all a bit worn out but looking forward to July, love fireworks, family get togethers, barbecues, fire pits, and good times!

Play time with friends!

We all enjoyed an afternoon at the movie!

Courtney keeps us smiling!

Bowen and the "Real Firemen!"

The Lehi City firefighters saw Bowen in his parade costume and let him enjoy being a "real fireman" for a minute!

7th Grade Cheerleaders enjoying a minute of "togetherness" before the parade!

The cutest cheer group in the whole parade!

Ready, Hannah, Okay!

Lehi High School Drill Team showing off their very fashionable 80's apparel. They looked great. Most of the girls just borrowed clothes from their mother's closets! They danced to Footloose during the parade.

Pionettes & Footloose!

Soooooooo adorable!

Bowen on the parade float!

Smile Bowen, this is fun....remember!

Bowen loves baseball!

Bowen makes a great catcher!

Caitlin and the Pionettes performing at drill team camp!

Drill team camp brings on many hours of dance training, hard work, and good times! We love our Pionettes!

Handsome Man!

Happy Independence Day!