Tuesday, April 28, 2009

20 Years...20 Things

Happy Anniversary to my "Love Muffin!" We were married on Friday, April 28, 1989! 20 years ago...TODAY! Wow! We have grown alot! I love my hubby! So, I have done what I do best, made a list (and not a "to-do" list) of what has made me so happy for the last 20 years.


1. Wearing hubby's t-shirts to bed
2. Fresh flowers (especially from hubby)
3. Cooking dinner
4. Writing
5. Snuggling with hubby or any one of my babies by the fireplace
6. Shopping with my girls
7. Courtney
8. Caitlin
9. Hannah
10. Bowen
11. Telling "Grandpa Huck" stories to Bowen
12. Laughing
13. Pretending I am glamorous while attempting to walk in 3 inch heels
14. Baskin-Robbins "Peanut Butter & Chocolate" ice cream
15. Hubby's blue eyes
16. Watching the sunrise from my bedroom window, while still lying in bed
17. Tacos
18. Conversations with Courtney, Caitlin, Hannah, and Bowen
19. Surprises
20. Kissing hubby

Thanks for 20 years together!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Wow...She made it! Cailtin is SWEET 16 today! What a beautiful daughter and sister and friend she is. Caitlin is growing up with grace, style, beauty, and a big heart. She loves everyone and will serve with enthusiasm. It is a joy to watch her develop her talents and her intellect. She is the music in our home. She dances, sings, plays the violin, is the peacemaker, the Doritos eater, the perfectionist, the pleaser, the bubbly one, the noisy one, the talker, the texter, the performer, the hard worker, lots of fun and the compassionate one.

We celebrated in "Rockstar" style. Her sisters and friends threw her a surprise birthday bash. It was a true surprise and turned out to be a fun time for Caitlin. It's official, she can DATE and DRIVE (in the near future)! I hope being 16 is everything Caitlin has dreamed it would be! Happy Birthday Caitlin!

Ingredients for a great sweet 16...

A Little Surprise!

Throw in a Cup of Play Time!

A Dash of Rockband Expertise!

Stir In Lots of Laughter!

Fold In Some Rockstars!

Don't Forget the Cake!

At Least a Cup of Fun!

Sprinkle in Sweet Friends!

This will add up to one Rockin' Birthday Party!

Caitlin Elizabeth Thomas, Born April 27, 1993 at 3:00 PM. Weighing in at 6 lbs. 13 oz. and measuring 19 inches long. Lots and lots of dark curly hair and patience to endure one bossy big sister. Included peacefulness, smiles, squishy cheeks, and giggles.

You have come along way baby.....

Smile...it's your birthday!

Ahhhhh....the presents...one of the many benefits of turning sweet 16!

She really does! WE LOVE YOU!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Eric!

It's official, Eric is the big FOUR-TWO. His 42nd birthday was on Tuesday and although there was not much time left in the day for a "party," we did manage a little celebration! Happy birthday...we love and appreciate all that you do for our family! Remember, you're not getting older..just balder and "hotter!"

Strawberry Shortcake with Strength! Here's to another 42 years!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Breakfast Conversation...On A Monday Morning!

Monday morning breakfast conversation with the seven year old:

Bowen: "Mom do people kiss differently in other countries?"

Mom: "Why do you ask?"

Bowen: "Because I heard about French kissing...is that different than where we live kissing?"

Mom: "Well (trying to sound calm and in control), French kissing is referring to a type of kissing where you have an open mouth and tongues instead of like when I give you a kiss on the forehead."

Bowen: "Yuck....like the TV kind of kissing. I am never going to visit French!"

Now the mother is just a bit concerned as to where the seven year old "heard" about French kissing. Was it on the playground at school or from his sisters while quietly talking in their bedrooms with the doors closed? Maybe the mother is better off not knowing!

Just for the record, Mothers are better prepared for this type of breakfast conversation on Thursday mornings instead of Monday mornings. By Thursday the week is half over and you are not suffering from the "Monday Morning Wake-up Blues!" This type of conversation on a Monday morning has the potential to send a mother into a state of hysteria or cause a heart attack.

This mother is glad that Bowen is not planning a trip to French as well!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust!

First there were fishes and balloons in the bath tub...

Then there was an ice block on the porch...

Which means only one thing...there will be two prom dress to purchase!

Courtney received two invitations to prom 2009! She, of course, was polite and accepted the first invite of goldfish (anybody want a fish)?

Now, we will have to get a second mortgage on the house in order to purchase TWO dresses for TWO daughters to wear TO the prom (I am just grateful Hannah is still TOO young for the whole prom night, 3 dresses would require selling a vehicle as well as a second mortgage)!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Thomas Family...Adventures in California!

Whew, we made it home!!

The Thomas Family survived their trip to California. Everyone returned home just in time for the rain and the SNOW! It was hard to leave the 70 degree temperatures and the sunny skies of California!

The Thomas Family ventured to Los Angeles to support Hannah's cheer competition. Mac's All-Star "Mini Blue" cheer team competed in the International cheer competition at the LA Convention Center. The girls gave a flawless performance and earned themselves a fourth place ranking! The competition was fierce but Hannah and team were up to the challenge. It was fun to watch the girls and everyone screamed and yelled and cheered SUPER LOUD, especially the mom!

The beautiful beaches were enjoyed by all. A visit to Huntington Beach and Newport Beach, which came with super shopping amenities, proved to be relaxing. There was a picnic on the sand and Bowen played and played in the ocean all day long. It was warm weather and the water was not toooooooo cold.

Everyone ventured to Disneyland which resulted in fun. Three days is definitely not enough time to do it all. Most definitely not enough time to get all the autographs that Bowen wanted from his Disney pals. It is unanimous, the entire Thomas Clan believes that Disneyland Resort is "the happiest place on earth."

Are we there yet?

"C" is for Courtney & Caitlin

"C" is also for CUTE!

Hangin' at California Adventure!

Disneyland..."the happiest place on earth!"

Bowen & the Man, MICKEY MOUSE!

Are we having fun yet?

The "Disney Princess!"

Dad, Daughters & Disneyland!

My little "Indy!"

The Adventurers!

Blue-eyed knockouts (they get it from their momma)!

My sea bound boys!

My pirate daughters!

Practice makes perfect...the girls practiced hard at the LA Convention Center!

Hannah...front and center! Mac's All-Star Cheer's Mini Blue Team gave a flawless performance! Way to go girls!

4th Place Nationally Ranked...way to go "Mini Blue!"

Goddesses of Sun Worship!

Sun Worshipping Goddesses + One Noisy 7 Year Old!

Hurray for the sun!

My little "surfer dude."

Picnic + Beach + Sand = Loads of Fun!

Sending our love from the sunny beach and blue skies!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Oh, to be the mother...

Bowen keeps me on my toes. He is a good boy with way tooooooo much thinking going on in his head. Apparently, on Friday, he was a little disruptive and loud while using the restroom during school. This loud behavior merited him a "pink slip." Pink slips are not good and are a way to inform parents of bad behavior and punish students who break the rules. Nonetheless, Bowen earned a pink slip for his participation in the restroom antics. He was also invited to a birthday party on Friday night which really caused great concern for him. He is a thinker and therefore was contemplating his consequence options for receiving the pink slip. He decided in his mind that a possible option for punishment could be not attending the birthday party. So, he quickly took action. He walked in the door about three minutes before I did and threw the pink slip into the garbage. "If mom does not know the pink slip exists, then I can go to the party," were his thoughts. He was correct! See, too smart for his own good. How grateful I am that although intelligent, he is also blessed with a conscience. His conscience got the best of him. He did not enjoy the party much as he was plagued with guilt.

On Saturday morning, Bowen could not carry the burden of guilt any longer. He confessed his criminal acts to his mother. His confession came after many questions and answers regarding his "friend" that got a pink slip and threw it away. After much discussion regarding his "friend," I posed the big question, "Bowen, was it you that received a pink slip?" He cracked under the pressure of it all and the tears flowed from his eyes. "Yes, yes, yes...it was me all along!" "I was screaming in the restroom, I got the pink slip, I threw it away, and I cannot take the pressure of such crimes any longer!" It was all he could do to get the words out fast enough. Poor little guy, he then had to dig through the garbage to find the dreaded pink slip and face the consequence of being grounded from video games and friends the rest of the weekend. Not much mercy for such crimes. After all, he did get to go to the birthday party! Oh, to be the mother of a 7 year old boy!

This has been an exciting week for the almost 16 year old! Drill tryouts were a success and Caitlin earned a spot for the 2009-2010 LHS Pionettes drill team. She is thrilled about the upcoming season. She will be able to participate as a member of the dance company and drill team her junior year. She will be busy!

Cailtin was also extended an invititation to PROM. The whole "Cinderella themed request to be a prom princess" was a hit and it was a definite "YES." She will turn 16 right before prom, great timing for her! Now we are off to select the perfect princess dress! Oh, to be the mother of an almost 16 year old girl!


Oh, to be a princess!

And not have to clean up the mess!

To wear tiaras and beautiful dresses!

And have happy dreams while living "happily ever after!" Prom will be the best night ever for Caitlin!

Friday, April 3, 2009


It's all about the presents!


Make a wish!

Birthday kiss for Hannah!

Edward's attendance made it a celebration!

Hannah's "Twilight" sleepover party was quite the event. The girls ate, played Twilight Trivia, had a Twilight scavenger hunt, drank Type A or Type B soda, ate, played a little rock band, hung out with Edward, watched Twilight, ate some more, talked, talked ,talked, laughed, laughed, laughed, ate and played a little, then finally around 3 AM there was no noise! What happened? I checked to assure everyone's safety only to discover that all had literally passed out and were finally enjoying some slumber time. Whew! It was a great time (at least for the tweens, not so sure about the dad or little brother)!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Best Treat in the World...

Why do I love Walter Diemer?

Because he invented this in 1928!

I love bubblegum! It is pink and sticky and sweet! Bubblegum can make you smile, it can make you laugh, and you can chew at least 4 pieces of it at once! The more pieces you chew, the stronger the flavor and sweetness! Bubblegum can cheer you up on a kind of sad or dull day. There is nothing better to put in your mouth when there is a long, dull business meeting or when you are walking through the park. Blowing awesome bubbles is one of my greatest abilities. If I have enough patience, I can blow the biggest and most round bubble imagineable. Hey, it truly does take talent to blow a huge bubble and then carefully and slowly let the air creep out so that it does not burst onto your entire face and hair. Yes, there have been days when I have spent many hours removing sticky gum from my face and hair! But the beautiful bubble was well worth the high cost of the aggravating removal efforts! Bubblegum is one of my most favorite treats and for this reason....I love Walter Diemer! Thanks man for being bored one day enough to mix ingredients and come up with the bubblegum solution. Most especially for the fact that the only food coloring available on bubblegum inventing day was pink! Because the color pink makes it taste all that much better!

Another reason I love bubblegum?

You can do this!

Even bigger if you try hard!