Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Chaos As Usual!

This is the last week in review...Valentine's Day was a success! Bowen and Hannah both returned home from school with candy, hearts, and valentine cards in abundance. Bowen was not so excited to look through and read the cards sent from girls. Apparently, "girls are icky!" Oh, let's hope that lasts. Hannah was as beautiful as ever at her school Valentine's dance. She had a great time and was full of enthusiasm as she summarized the event for her sisters. I enjoyed chaperoning and watching her dance with really tall boys from a distance. She is such a shorty. Courtney had a great time at the sweetheart dance and all her friends were well behaved at our home after. I think Eric made more noise than any of the teenagers! The s'mores were a big hit! Caitlin was adorable performing the basketball half-time in her grandmother's old black swim suit. It was not so cute, that is why she picked it! I am glad to have this month almost over! Can't wait for March...maybe I will be able to relax a bit!

Wiping Away the Sweat, Blood and Tears. Bowen, the Basketball King!

Bowen...Pondering the Foul with His Coach!

Courtney and Her Friend Whitney...Before the Dates and the Sweetheart Dance! Soooooo Adorable!

Hannah, Absolutely the Cutest 6th Grade Girl at the Valentine's Dance!

Here is a quick video clip of Caitlin dancing with the drill team at the basketball game! Caitlin is in a black swim suit with a blue t-shirt, wearing pig tails and a big, big smile! Yes, that is her loud and obnoxious mother in the background cheering her on!

1 comment:

Channa said...

Love the screaming mom in the vid background - oh, wait! That's YOU! hehehe Cute, cute family - as always!