Monday, June 22, 2009

The Best Dad Ever!

Happy Father's Day to the BEST DAD EVER! The father of my children is the best! He loves his daughters and his son. He is patient, even when my patience is non-existent. The dad at our home is prayerful, he prays with his children, he prays for his children and he gives them blessings. He offers a father's blessing, a beautiful gift of which I never had the opportunity of receiving, but I am so grateful that my children receive this priceless gift from their father.

The dad at our home is silly and fun. He jokes with his children, he plays jokes on his children, and he maintains a sense-of-humor when the practical joke is for him. He helps his daughters practice soccer and softball. He even makes a great gymnastics coach. He cheers with a smile at all dance, cheer and drill team performances. He endures squeaky violins and misplayed piano pieces. He teaches the value of good music and shares his love of opera with his family. He yells at his children when they make a mistake on the field or the court, but lovingly reassures them they will do better next time. All four children know how to throw a football, with precision and finesse I might add.

The father at our home makes a great friend. He cooks a mean breakfast and will even clean up his mess. He takes his daughters on ice cream dates and will wake them up at 4 AM to have a sundae and just talk. He makes sure they are happy, even when things are difficult. He has helped his daughters gain self-esteem and to understand who they really are. He is tough and puts a little fear in all teenaged boys who call upon his daughters. He is a protector and assures all young men dating his daughters that "he will do to them, what they do to his daughters." He plays catch with Bowen and continually fixes his bike, because Bowen continually causes damage to such bike. He wrestles with Bowen and takes Bowen for rides in his truck. The dad at our home works hard and has taught his children the value of hard work. He makes everything fun and tells the best stories of his childhood. His children know where they came from and the importance of living up to their potential.

The dad at our home teaches many things to his children, he teaches them the great art of belching, and how to pass gas and shift the blame. He teaches them to laugh and all about Pink Panther movies.

He teaches his children by example, how to walk uprightly before the Lord. He honors his Priesthood and serves the Lord, his family, and anyone in need without hesitation. Thanks for being the BEST DAD EVER!

Happy Father's Day!

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