Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Little Blue

Just a little blue today while thinking of my friend and her loss. Thoughts of her seem to flood my mind alot these days. I cannot comprehend such a loss or such a heart ache or such a weight on my shoulders to carry. I have experienced loss before. I have lost loved ones and friends whom I miss and think of alot. This has brought me to the ultimate thought of the Plan of Happiness, that is the plan outlined by a loving Father in Heaven, not the Plan of Misery or the Plan of Blueness, but of HAPPINESS.

Do you know anyone that has "lost" someone? I do.

Whether it be a baby, a spouse, a mom, a dad, a grandparent or a dear friend.

We all lose people to death, at some time in our lives. Death is a part of living.

Have you lost someone? I have.

Sometimes during the course of our lives, we lose "things." Things like health, or jobs, or security. Sometimes we lose mobility, or function. Or a relationship is lost when it comes to an end.

I guess a part of living is experiencing loss.

However, it is called the Plan of Happiness. So maybe I should smile and remember the great eternal plan. We are loved and a loving parent's desire is for their children to be happy. Our Father in Heaven wants the same, our happiness.

So, although a little blue, I will smile and feel happiness!

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