Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy 7th Birthday Bowen!

Happy Birthday Bowen! It's hard to believe that the little guy is already 7! He is growing up so fast. We celebrated his birthday for two days. His birthday party with his friends was on Saturday at the bowling alley. It was "Bowen's Bowling Birthday!" We had 14 little boys aged 5 to 7 years old running all over the bowling alley. Wow! I think everyone was glad when we finally left and the party was over. The boys bowled and ATE lots of pizza, one little friend ate 10 pieces (can you say aching tummy). They also played a few arcade games and opened presents and ate birthday cake. I think they all had a great time. At least Bowen did! He smiled all day long. He loved all the presents and attention and was so generous, he told everyone thank you and let his friends play with the new toys he received afterwards. We then had birthday cake and gave him our presents on Sunday, the real birthday day. He arose at 6:00 AM in hopes of getting everyone out of bed so he could open his birthday presents. He did not have much luck as his sisters either threw shoes at him to get him out of their rooms or groaned at him to "get out." So, he hung out with mom until all the morning zombies finally awoke.

Look at what Bowen got for his birthday! Yes, he loves Indiana Jones and can now dress official any time he wants. Bowen especially likes the whip, I think that is an invitation for injury. I guess his sisters better get tough and whip resistant. Bowen also got "Indiana Jones Legos" and a new CD boombox and a couple CD's to play. He thinks he is so grown up. He had a great two days and we love him so much. He was so sweet and requested a chocolate "coke" cake for his birthday. I spent a little time making it for him and then he only wanted ice cream and no cake. Go figure! He is alot of fun and keeps us all on our toes. He spends most of his days asking questions, to which I usually have to research the answers on the internet (I have no idea how to install a satellite dish on the house or why Harry Potter has to wave his wand twice to make a spell work) but I usually can find the answer on goggle. If he does not like the answer he is given, he usually thinks up his own more logical answer after much deliberation. He brings laughter, silliness, sweetness, and action to our home. He is adored by his three older sisters and his mother. His dad enjoys his company but is also easily tired out.

Happy Birthday Bowen.....We Love You!

1 comment:

Meg said...

Thanks for inviting my boys to the party they had a blast!!