Tuesday, March 17, 2009

LHS Pionettes Rock!

Caitlin returned home from her "California Adventure." Caitlin and the LHS Pionettes went to California last week to compete in the Nationals Championship competition. She had the BEST time ever! She did not want to leave the sunshine and return home. However, her mother was really missing her and was so pleased with her safe arrival home. Here's the scoop on her adventure.....

Caitlin traveled by air to California for the Nationals High School Drill Team competition!

Caitlin and the Pionettes danced their hearts out to become nationally ranked as 6th place champions! Way to go girls!

They Hipped Hopped to 3rd Place!

They did a little "Umpa Lumpa!"

The Pionettes were adventurous at "California Adventure."

They were all a little terrified in the "Tower of Terror!"

There was time for a little "Driver's Ed!"

Caitlin even managed to find time for "Spelling" homework!

They played in Disneyland!

The girls hung with the "princesses!"

Caitlin sent her love!

They played on the beach!

Caitlin jumped for joy in the sunshine and sand! She has decided she is moving to CA and near a beach!

I'm sure they will...The End!


Channa said...

Caitlin is both talented and beautiful! I'm glad she had a great time. Congrats, Pionettes!

Channa said...

Hey! I totally lost your phone #. How did Hannah do? As if I really need to ask - congrats, Hannah!