Monday, March 23, 2009

Way to Go Thomas Girls!

Way to go Thomas girls! Sorry this post is all about pink and no blue. Bowen news will have to be on the next posting. Another week has flown by. Caitlin, the almost 16 year old decided to ask a boy to MORP, the last girls choice dance of the school year. She will be going in a large group with the big sis, Courtney and all of their friends. It ought to prove to be a good time. The girls decided that pizza delivery to their prospective dates by Mr. and Mrs. Claus would draw the right amount of attention to win them a date. So, they were off...delivering pizzas throughout the halls of LHS. Apparently the way to a man's heart is truly through his stomach as all the boys that received a pizza also replied with a "YES!" Mom is happy about the fact that Caitlin's first date will be accompanied by her big sis!

Courtney was notified last week about being a UYSA (Utah Youth Soccer Association) scholarship winner! She was awarded a $500 scholarship to any Utah school of her choice. She was one of 14 winners selected from about 150 soccer players. She was invited to attend an awards luncheon and REAL soccer exhibition game at the Rio Tinto Stadium. The luncheon also included a visit from Mr. Real Soccer, Dave Checketts himself to congratulate the winners. It was super nice and she felt "special" for a moment. She was selected as a winner based upon her academics, soccer abilities, community service and recommendations from coaches, both club and high school. She was thrilled to receive it! Less she has to save and more she is able to contribute to the college fund! Way to go make your momma proud!

Hannah had a big week! Her 12th birthday is on Friday and she has been begging for a new hairdo! She wanted a "grown up" style because she is turning 12 and on her way to junior high fame. So, her wish was granted, Hannah is now sporting a very grown up looking "Camp Rock" style hairdo! She is way too cute and growing up way too fast. She also had junior high cheer tryouts. I was very nervous for her endeavor, she was very confident going into the tryout and came out terrified. "It was sooooooo scary," is all she could say. "All the judges just looked at me with really big eyes," was all she repeated for a couple of hours. Well, the judges' big eyes saw what a bubbly, cute, skilled tumbler and dancer she is...she was chosen for the 7th grade cheer squad! She is excited! Way to go Hannah-Banana! We love our little Cheerleader...oops, I mean our grown up, almost 12 year old cheerleader!

Caitlin with the Clauses! Wow, She Will Do Anything for a Date to MORP!

Hannah and Her Friend at Cheer Tryouts 2009! Congrats to Hannah, 7th Grade Cheerleader!

Hannah with the "Grown Up Girl" Haircut!

Courtney with her UYSA Scholarship! Courtney Rocks!

1 comment:

Channa said...

Congrats, Thomas girls! We knew Hannah would make it!!!!