Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of School 2010

I can't believe that the summer is over and school is in session. It seems as if this year, summer passed quickly and the school year really did creep up on us.

Courtney is moved and settled into her new apartment in Ephraim. Her schedule this semester at Snow College is a bit rigorous, but she is up to the challenge. She also has a new job. She will be working part-time at the Malt Shoppe. Good place to work and maybe she can score leftovers for dinner! She seems to have some good roommates this year and Julie, her cousin is one of them. They can take care of each other. Courtney is growing up fast and becoming quite the beautiful and intelligent young lady. I am proud of her and her accomplishments. She is really working hard and making wise decisions. She will be a great teacher in a few short years. She is a good example to her brother and sisters and her mom! I pray she has a happy and productive Sophomore year at Snow College. I miss her much but she is doing what she needs to be doing!

Caitlin is a senior, WOW! How did that happen? It seems like just yesterday she was riding the Barbie jeep down Cherokee Drive while dressed in her red tutu with her "ladybug" high tops. She is a joy and very driven. She is goal oriented and successful. She is my over achiever who works hard academically. I know the Lord has much in store for her. She has so much potential and is full of talent. She misses her big sister alot as she finds strength and confidence through her. I am grateful that they are so close. Caitlin is achieving greatness with her efforts in drill team and dance company. She has become a beautiful and strong dancer. She works harder than anyone I know and I pray she has a senior year in high school full of fun and memory building experiences. She always makes good choices and is a virtuous young woman. She is a good example to her peers.

Hannah is beginning 8th grade today. I remember being in the 8th grade. It was a good time and I made lasting friendships that school year. I hope it is the same kind of experience for Hannah. She is so full of goodness and compassion for others. She is a determined soul and strives to follow the examples of her older sisters. She is a leader and full of energy! I pray she has happiness, lots of friends, and many positive experiences this school year. She is loving her 8th grade cheer squad and the girls are all adorable and full of smiles. She is a good helper to her mom and very supportive to her family. She still tells me that she loves me, out loud, so others can hear her. Those words always make my day!

Bowen, my spirited and inquisitive 3rd grader. He too is quickly growing up and becoming a young man. Third grade was a rough school year for all three of my girls, I think Bowen will rise to the occasion without difficulty. He is such a social little guy. Everywhere we go, somebody knows him and will always smile and say, "Hi Bowen!" I hope he continues to achieve scholastically and learn and learn. He is so intelligent and loves learning new things. He appreciates the world and all it has to offer. He notices the little things and is always full of gratitude. He is really homesick for his oldest sister, so he uses my cell phone several times in the day to talk to her. I hope he has a great school year and he is able to learn and grow and smile and play. He has begun his first ever football season. He is full of bruises and practice wears him out. He is one tough little guy and he keeps on going. He is really learning how to play the game and is becoming a bit more disciplined and focused. I worry about his size, but what he lacks there he makes up for with effort and his big heart!

Happy first day of school....may everyone have a great school year!

Sisters on moving more year at Snow College!

My favorite Snow College Sophomores! very handsome 3rd grader! beautiful senior and 8th grade Princess!

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