Tuesday, August 10, 2010

That Time Again.....

It's August and that means that football season begins. Eric is continuing to coach at Pleasant Grove High School and he has taken on an extra coaching responsibility of Bowen's team. This will be Bowen's first year of tackle football, that makes me a bit nervous! With football it also means that cheer season has officially begun for Hannah both with the 8th grade cheer squad and with her competitive team. It is also time for drill half-time performances for Caitlin. Her senior year as a Pionette! Whew...I may be watching someone play, coach, cheer or dance almost every night of the week! Happy footballing everyone!

1 comment:

Allison said...

hey Jennifer! Just thought I would let you know I am blog stalking you. I can't believe how big your kids are! They are all so cute, also I can totally see Hannah looking like casey when he was younger.