Monday, April 20, 2009

Breakfast Conversation...On A Monday Morning!

Monday morning breakfast conversation with the seven year old:

Bowen: "Mom do people kiss differently in other countries?"

Mom: "Why do you ask?"

Bowen: "Because I heard about French that different than where we live kissing?"

Mom: "Well (trying to sound calm and in control), French kissing is referring to a type of kissing where you have an open mouth and tongues instead of like when I give you a kiss on the forehead."

Bowen: " the TV kind of kissing. I am never going to visit French!"

Now the mother is just a bit concerned as to where the seven year old "heard" about French kissing. Was it on the playground at school or from his sisters while quietly talking in their bedrooms with the doors closed? Maybe the mother is better off not knowing!

Just for the record, Mothers are better prepared for this type of breakfast conversation on Thursday mornings instead of Monday mornings. By Thursday the week is half over and you are not suffering from the "Monday Morning Wake-up Blues!" This type of conversation on a Monday morning has the potential to send a mother into a state of hysteria or cause a heart attack.

This mother is glad that Bowen is not planning a trip to French as well!

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