Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Best Treat in the World...

Why do I love Walter Diemer?

Because he invented this in 1928!

I love bubblegum! It is pink and sticky and sweet! Bubblegum can make you smile, it can make you laugh, and you can chew at least 4 pieces of it at once! The more pieces you chew, the stronger the flavor and sweetness! Bubblegum can cheer you up on a kind of sad or dull day. There is nothing better to put in your mouth when there is a long, dull business meeting or when you are walking through the park. Blowing awesome bubbles is one of my greatest abilities. If I have enough patience, I can blow the biggest and most round bubble imagineable. Hey, it truly does take talent to blow a huge bubble and then carefully and slowly let the air creep out so that it does not burst onto your entire face and hair. Yes, there have been days when I have spent many hours removing sticky gum from my face and hair! But the beautiful bubble was well worth the high cost of the aggravating removal efforts! Bubblegum is one of my most favorite treats and for this reason....I love Walter Diemer! Thanks man for being bored one day enough to mix ingredients and come up with the bubblegum solution. Most especially for the fact that the only food coloring available on bubblegum inventing day was pink! Because the color pink makes it taste all that much better!

Another reason I love bubblegum?

You can do this!

Even bigger if you try hard!


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