Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Magic 2009

Christmas 2009 was filled with magic at the Thomas home. Our family witnessed many miracles and felt lots of warmth in our hearts. Part of the Christmas magic for me, is the tradition of gift giving.

As a mom, I love everything about Christmas: the lights, the carols, the tree, the treats, the time with family, time off from work, Santa Claus and the toys, my children, everything we do to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Oh, and I especially love GIVING gifts. Some years I start making my “give list” in January. I remember some of the special gifts I have given, the dress I earned and saved money for to give to my mom when she needed a new one and I was only in high school, the BB gun for Courtney, the mermaid dress for Caitlin, Hannah’s Samantha doll, Bowen’s snow boots and the annual tradition of a new watch for Eric. I am always so excited for the gifts to be opened and enjoyed and for the feelings of warmth I enjoy.

That magic lingers every year during the Christmas season. Celebrating the birth of Jesus is the best part of the entire year. Christmas and giving gifts is great. I try to be the best gift giver ever. I try to think of others and meet someone’s need. I try to emulate Christ’s example and give how He gave with love and sacrifice.

However, the art of gift giving was perfected this year by Courtney, Caitlin, Hannah, & Bowen. They spent alot of time pondering what special gifts they would give to one another. Each picked another's name and the gift giving began. Courtney, our poor college student thought of the best gift ever for Bowen. She searched and finally found her old BB gun from days gone by. She polished it up and bought some BB's and it was the best surprise ever. Bowen was thrilled with the gun and he talked about it for days. Caitlin, decided the best gift to give her older and freezing sister who was at Snow College would be to help her stay warm. She shopped and purchased the warmest thing ever, the leopard print "Snuggie" brought a smile to Courtney's face and she was caught using it frequently. Hannah wanted to get Caitlin something useful and something needed. She determined that a pair of foot "undeez" to be worn as Caitlin perfects her dance turns would meet that need. Caitlin was touched by the thoughtfulness behind this gift as turns have been difficult for Caitlin and dancing in her new "undeez" will help her feel the love as she improves her turning sequences. Bowen just wanted to get something that Hannah would LOVE more than any other gift. He concluded that a Justin Bieber CD would be joyful and triumphant. He was right, she squealed as she opened the gift and we hear Justin singing through her bedroom walls on a daily basis. I enjoyed watching all four of them as they put alot of thought and not so much money into the gifts they selected for one another. Gift giving is something I want to be good at it, it is something that should come from the heart and not the wallet. Gift giving should not be limited to Christmas, but be a daily thing. We should think of others and serve them always. When we see a need, we need to respond willingly. Yes, I felt the magic of Christmas this year. I hope you all had a very magical Christmas as well.

Courtney and her roommates prepping their apartment for the holidays!

Bowen and Hannah enjoying some "Santa" time.

Hannah pondering what presents Santa will leave for her!

Caitlin all ready to perform as a "Grinchette" for the dance company's annual recital of "The Grinch" at Lehi High School.

Caitlin and all the "Grinchettes." So, so, so, cute and green!

Courtney loves her Snuggie.

Bowen loves his Steelers jersey and hat! Thanks Santa!

Courtney, Caitlin, Hannah, and Bowen on Christmas morning. So happy to be awake at 5:30 AM (some Christmas traditions should really change)!

Christmas Day 2009...they clean up well!

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