Monday, April 6, 2009

Oh, to be the mother...

Bowen keeps me on my toes. He is a good boy with way tooooooo much thinking going on in his head. Apparently, on Friday, he was a little disruptive and loud while using the restroom during school. This loud behavior merited him a "pink slip." Pink slips are not good and are a way to inform parents of bad behavior and punish students who break the rules. Nonetheless, Bowen earned a pink slip for his participation in the restroom antics. He was also invited to a birthday party on Friday night which really caused great concern for him. He is a thinker and therefore was contemplating his consequence options for receiving the pink slip. He decided in his mind that a possible option for punishment could be not attending the birthday party. So, he quickly took action. He walked in the door about three minutes before I did and threw the pink slip into the garbage. "If mom does not know the pink slip exists, then I can go to the party," were his thoughts. He was correct! See, too smart for his own good. How grateful I am that although intelligent, he is also blessed with a conscience. His conscience got the best of him. He did not enjoy the party much as he was plagued with guilt.

On Saturday morning, Bowen could not carry the burden of guilt any longer. He confessed his criminal acts to his mother. His confession came after many questions and answers regarding his "friend" that got a pink slip and threw it away. After much discussion regarding his "friend," I posed the big question, "Bowen, was it you that received a pink slip?" He cracked under the pressure of it all and the tears flowed from his eyes. "Yes, yes, was me all along!" "I was screaming in the restroom, I got the pink slip, I threw it away, and I cannot take the pressure of such crimes any longer!" It was all he could do to get the words out fast enough. Poor little guy, he then had to dig through the garbage to find the dreaded pink slip and face the consequence of being grounded from video games and friends the rest of the weekend. Not much mercy for such crimes. After all, he did get to go to the birthday party! Oh, to be the mother of a 7 year old boy!

This has been an exciting week for the almost 16 year old! Drill tryouts were a success and Caitlin earned a spot for the 2009-2010 LHS Pionettes drill team. She is thrilled about the upcoming season. She will be able to participate as a member of the dance company and drill team her junior year. She will be busy!

Cailtin was also extended an invititation to PROM. The whole "Cinderella themed request to be a prom princess" was a hit and it was a definite "YES." She will turn 16 right before prom, great timing for her! Now we are off to select the perfect princess dress! Oh, to be the mother of an almost 16 year old girl!


Oh, to be a princess!

And not have to clean up the mess!

To wear tiaras and beautiful dresses!

And have happy dreams while living "happily ever after!" Prom will be the best night ever for Caitlin!

1 comment:

Laura Krushak-Green said...

I can't believe how grown up all of your kids have gotten! I especially can't believe Bowen is 7!